Tuesday, June 18, 2013

you showed me there's more, that i got more in store, and i got you.

"I wait in the rain but I don’t complain because I wait for you. I don’t feel pain, you’re like novocain, and I got you. it was always you, it was always you. time and time again, I thought that the end was just around the bend. but you showed me there’s more, I got more in store, and you've got me. it was always you." - always you, ingrid michaelson

what do you do when you have a relationship with someone, but someone very close to them really doesn't like you? that's been my struggle lately. it's makes you feel like you are the problem. you're not good enough in their eyes. it's hard because it feels like they're taking air out of your lungs. i'm just trying to figure out what the correct answer is. do you tell the person that their friend doesn't like you and risk them getting hurt, or do you just try and make do with the situation? i don't know. it's just a hard decision. for me, at the end of the day, the person means the world to me. i'd do anything for him. he's my best friend. he's always been there no matter what crappy things the enemy's thrown at us to tear us apart. i put the above song lyrics because that has been a very relevant song in my life lately. the words are so true and accurate to my life, at the moment. i've been praying and praying about what to do with all of this. i'm just not making a decision, until i know that it's what God wants me to do. but right now, nothing is exactly clear. it's all kinda blurry. but i know that in this time, i will find clarity. i'm just trusting that God has my back and that he's gonna take control of this relationship, wherever it may go. i just need to be patient and trust that. 

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