Tuesday, June 25, 2013


well, the release of joy and restoration that i've been praying for finally has come. last night, my church had a worship and prayer night with this amazing band called The Neverclaim. their main leader Jeremiah, really spoke to me. after his sermon, he had us all stand and grab hands with the people next to us. we all began singing How He Loves, and God just began to restore my confidence and joy that i had been lacking. he gave me a vision of my future and what it may hold. i began to cry because of how good it felt that i was finally back to where i belong. Jeremiah encouraged everybody to just sing their own song to God and the entire room was just singing out in the Spirit. i felt heaven & earth collide and it was a breathtaking moment. i guess it's all a part of God's timing. things don't always go exactly how you think they would, but at the end of the day, God knows what is best for you. i feel like if you are in need of restoration in your life, whether it's joy or identity or even a relationship, i just encourage you to completely surrender your heart to God and to trust in Him. it's very hard to let your guard down, but in order for you to completely give your all to God, you have to do it. 

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