Thursday, May 23, 2013

tired of being tired.

there comes a point where you begin to get tired of being tired. that's where i'm at currently. my last day of finals is tomorrow and i'm just so ready for it to be over with. i've just began to feel weak and tired. things just are so wishy-washy right now, i don't even know what's real or what's not. there are these guys that all think it's funny to make jokes at me and make me feel like garbage. they don't even realize how bad it hurts when they always criticize me. i'm just sick of them always doing that to me. i know they're not speaking truth into me and i know not to believe the lies, but it makes it difficult to not let them get to me. i'm just in need of a new start and a new beginning. that's what i'm hoping this summer will be. they all act like they have it all together and that they're superior, but honestly, they all come across as jerks who don't care about anyone but themselves. i'm not saying they don't have any worth, i'm just saying they aren't acting how they should. i'm trying not to let it get to me. hopefully, they'll realize how damaging they are to me and will stop. even if i talk to them, they just see me as weak and useless. i thought they were my friends...guess i was wrong. i'm hoping to spend more time with my friends this weekend to get my mind off things and just have fun. i'm playing in the band at graduation on sunday so that'll, i guess. summer's almost here! i'm insanely excited for it! 


  1. Hang in there gurl! Summer is almost here!

  2. And even in the midst of your hurt, you find compassion for them. This, my sweet sweet friend, shows your maturity and your beauty. Both go far above and beyond anything those boys will ever obtain.

    It is easy for adults, like me, to tell you to just ignore it. But, when it occurs day in and day out, it is really hard to just act like it doesn't matter. It hurts...and there is no reason for it.

    What I can tell you is are worthy of your space in the universe. You have a right to be exactly where you are at in this moment in time and you have a brilliance about you and a happiness about you that might threaten those who have sadness and hate in their heart.

    Don't let them steal your sparkle. Years from now those jerks won't matter one iota. Especially when you are off doing great things...moving the wonderful life that has been planned for you and that is ahead of you.
    I can say without a doubt, there are a ton of people who love you and who think the world of you...and that love is what will give you strength to put up with the bullies.

    When they open their mouths...picture their words changing into flowers and glitter and stars...and let that beautiful image rain down on you. You really are rubber and they really are glue...

    GIANT e-HUGS!!!!
    Your friend ALWAYS,
